Category: Bread & baking
Courgette boregi with yoghurt pastry
Courgette boregi with yoghurt pastry These are delightful warm, or at room temperature. They freeze well and are ideal for a snack, main meal, picnic or lunch. After I posted the picture on Instagram, I had lots of requests for the recipe. So I thought I’d pop it on the blog. The recipe is…
Milk kefir – some recipes and inspiration
I made these loaves yesterday using kefir as a leaven. I received quite a few questions on Instagram about how I use the grains, so I thought I’d put up this post with some ideas. I’ll also include below the recipe for these particular loaves. What is kefir? Kefir is very interesting stuff and very…
Sourdough pain de campagne recipe
Over on Instagram, my friend Carla has created something of a stir with her bread. As you can see below, Carla has made beautiful pain de campagne to a recipe I developed using some of the great bakers’ ideas as my inspiration. The smell..the feel..the loud crackling..this is my BFF bread.. thanks @carl_legge
Carrot top pesto recipes
Once you know how to make carrot top pesto, you’ll never want to waste your carrot ‘greens’ ever again. My recipe appeared online and then in my book The Permaculture Kitchen. Since then, I’ve seen carrot top pesto used by loads of people in all sorts of creative and scrumptious ways. I thought it’d be…
Roast lamb three ways
One of the easiest ways you can make your meal planning easier, cook more frugally and seasonally is to make a major ingredient go further. Here I show you how I used a £20 joint of local Welsh lamb leg to make three different meals for the three of us. I’ve cooked a lot of…
Kombucha sourdough bread recipe
This successful experiment could revolutionise my baking. It means that I can bake sourdough bread in 24 hours without the need to keep an active leaven refreshed. The bread is gloriously moist and chewy as sourdough should be. This has a big malty wholemeal taste with a rich, crisp crust. It’s not at all sharp…
Wine barm bread
It’s funny how things spread. My twitter pal Jessica read the earlier post on how to use a cider barm to make sourdough bread. Serendipity is a wonderful thing as Jessica was racking wine that day. So Jessica contacted me on Twitter… And so Jessica did. I’m very grateful to Jessica who sent the pictures…
Sourdough cider
When I saw on twitter that my Twitter chum Julia Moore had: Decided adding #sourdough culture to some of our freshly pressed apples would be one experiment too far I was intrigued and showed her my Bouza bread beer experiment post. Despite my references to ‘vomit’, Julia changed her mind and took up the challenge.…
How to make vanilla extract
This is so simple to do, you’ll wonder why you ever spent the money on the shop stuff. The picture shows my 500ml bottle of vanilla extract. Here’s how I make it… Method Take 6 to 8 vanilla pods and split them with a sharp knife, leaving them just attached at one end. Pop them…