The Sloe Trilogy II: How to make sloe wine, vodka, jam

This is the second part of the Sloe Trilogy where you use the same batch of sloes to make wine, vodka and fridge jam. In the first part I showed you how to make the wine, here are the instructions for the vodka.
Sloes in a glass
When you have strained the sloes off the wine ‘must‘ you can use them to flavour vodka. I suggest vodka for this because, unlike with gin, you don’t get that big juniper hit which may not be so nice in your breakfast jam.

If you’re coming into this without having made the wine, just use freshly picked sloes. You’ll need to squish them and this is easier to do if you freeze and thaw them first.

You’ll need a large container to make this in that you can sterilise and seal. A demijohn is great for it or a big kilner jar or similar. Pretty bottles that you can seal are a great way of presenting your finished vodka and make great presents.


For each 500g of fermented sloes (or fresh ones if that’s what you are using)

250g granulated sugar (you can use more or less to taste)

750ml (a standard bottle) of vodka (you can use the bottle to keep some of the sloe vodka at the end if you wish)

This will make about 900ml of vodka.


Put the sloes in your container and tip in the sugar. Depending on your container, you may find a funnel helpful to get the sugar in.

Tip in the vodka and seal the top of the container.

Shake the container well and leave in a cool, dark place. Shake the container whenever you remember over the next 3-6 months, ideally daily. Eventually the sugar will have dissolved and you’ll see the vodka take on a delightful pinky/purple colour.

At the end of your 3-6 month period, strain the vodka off the sloes using a double layer of scalded muslin. DO NOT throw the sloes away. Pour the vodka into your presentation bottles or your reserved vodka bottle.

Ideally, you will allow the vodka to mature for at least a year. See how you get on and let me know in the comments. Good luck!

And please have a look at my Sustainable Foraging Guidelines for tips how to forage responsibly.

And next, the fridge jam.

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