Seedy Penpals February 2013 Update

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Our second Seedy Penpal exchange has got off to a great start. we have lots of enthusiastic people who are making new friends and oo-ing and ahh-ing over new seeds and other presents.

My Seedy Parcel

I received a lovely parcel containing seeds and more from Suse from the beautiful west coast of Scotland. When Suse contacted me I asked her to “Surprise me…” She did that in a lovely way.

My Seedy Penpal Parcel Feb 2013
I received some carefully packaged and annotated seed packets. On one side Suse wrote the name and variety and on the other some sowing, planting & usage tips. The seeds are just what I was after: some new to me varieties to try out.

Also, Suse had very thoughtfully included some other plants for me as I had told her I was always keen to try out new cuttings. The first is a small plant of  Fuschia Magellanica Versicolour that I hope turns out this beautiful .

Fuchsia magellanica versicolour

And Suse also included some lovely plugs of heather plants including two tree heathers. The fuschia and heathers are already in their alloted spots and I hope they feel at home this far south. Thanks very much Suse 🙂

I will blog about the progress of Suse’s generous gifts and also some of the seeds I received from Lucy in last August’s exchange.

Seedy Penpals Updates on other blogs

This time round, I’m not using a link widget. Instead, I’ll post a summary and a link to all the Seedy Parcel blog updates and progress reports that I’m told about.

10th February 2013
Lorraine makes a Seedy Confession and also gets chocolate confections in her parcel from Becca. This is a great example of the joy of Seedy Penpals…

My Seedy Penpal, Kate at Ty Hen Cottage, offers a lovely seasonal Marmalade and Fruit Cake along with a peek at the parcel I sent her. Seeds, some tubers, a plant and a card. I’m looking forward to seeing the results…

13th February 2013
The brilliantly titled Two Thirsty Gardeners received a great parcel of some more unusual edibles from Hayley and gave Seedy Penpals a good write up 🙂

16th February 2013
And see what became of Lorraine’s chocolate

More to come, pop back again soon!

If you have an update for Seedy Penpals, leave me a link in the comments below, or send me a Tweet 🙂



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5 responses to “Seedy Penpals February 2013 Update”

  1. Martina Foy Avatar

    BRILLIANT ! How do I join???? I`m in Ireland.

    1. Carl Avatar

      Hi Martina – as I have your email I guess you found the spot 🙂 Welcome

  2. constantgardenerblog Avatar

    I’ve had a lovely parcel from my seedy penpal! Read all about it here…

  3. Joanne Avatar

    Hi, just a quick update. I have received my seeds & had such a lovely package through the post. It as been great fun & I will be signing up for the July swap.

  4. Kate Avatar
    Kate Great that you had such a delightful parcel seeds and plants.

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